mainly out with my cameras a Pentax 350 SLR and a Cannon PowerShot SX710 HS
Sad Day
Published on July 1, 2008 By RickJP In Community
From the web site. is now officially closed due to hackers installing a series of php scripts, to send out spam, and other various malware. I am sorry that it had to come to this, but they say the third time is the charm. To all those that made SA what it is today, I thank you. Especially all Admins, thanks for your hard work! I will be talking to some that may want to revive the site, but for now, SA is Closed for business This is a shame had not been a member over there for long but a lot of good stuff being turned out.
Comments (Page 3)
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on Jul 02, 2008
Yes, It's a loss for the online skinning community as a whole.  It always is when one of the sites 'goes down' for whatever the reason, and sadly it happens a lot more frequently than most would like to remember, and not 'only' to the smaller sites, either.
Hackers, crackers, phreakers, and OTHER wankers should ideally be shot.....much of it is urban/social terrorism, nothing more.

I agree...
on Jul 02, 2008
As someone that has called Skinartistry home for the past years, all I can say is thanks to the community...they made SA the great place that it was.

It is a shame that in these times, that a few people inspired by the almighty dollar will go to the the trouble of infecting web sites (that have nothing in common with their intrest).

Thanks to the members, the community, and my fellow administrators for making Skinartistry what it was.

on Jul 02, 2008
Thanks Everyone for the nice words!   

I did manage to find a signature html file left by the would be hackers, a group called, they left their calling card one too many times. And I would like to thank them personally for ruining years of work!

Although I haven't been around as much these past few months, the admins did a marvelous job keeping these guys at bay for awhile. I appreciate all their hard work, taking care of the site while they could.

And thanks to everyone who was a part of the site, members and admins, thanks for making SA What it was!
In the future, maybe somewhere downline maybe one of the Admins might want to have the domain and start fresh. As for me, I am done with it, it was fun while it lasted. I just don't have the time to dedicate to running that site right now.

But I will try and check out WC, and keep up with you all, as much as possible. Thanks for a great run!

on Jul 02, 2008
Forgive me for my ignorance, but how the hackers were able to install such scripts... U mean to say they uploaded something bad

Thats easy enough,

Hackers can crack ftp passwords, break thru firewalls, do brute force attacks, denial of service attacks. You name and they can do it, if you're in their sights, too bad for you.

We regularly changed passwords to all ftp users, and kept a close eye out, but these guys are no joke. If they want something bad enaough, they will get it.
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